Collits Inn, Hartley Vale

Building previously described as Collits Inn, Hartley Vale (Postcard: Shirley TUNNICLIFF)

I bought this postcard from a little boy who was sitting outside Collits Inn at Hartley Vale. He and his mother and sisters lived here at the time. We were given a tour of the house, sheds and the cemetery behind the house.
The shed where Cobb & Co changed horses had never been updated. 
Collits Inn is different now as it has been repaired and updated, but has lost some of the charm it had when I saw it first.

(Source: Shirley TUNNICLIFF)

According to Terry SMITH, the building in the photo is not Collit's Inn. It may be a small house on the property that later became the Mount York Farm, but the Inn itself was/is constructed of weatherboard, not brick, and is much larger.
Collits Inn (Source:

Additionally, the website for Collits Inn has a photo showing a smaller house on the property that could be the building shown above.
Outbuildings near Collits Inn (Source:


  1. I bought this postcard from a little boy who was sitting outside Colletts Inn at Hartley Vale. He and his Mother and sisters lived here at the time. We were given a tour of the house,sheds and the Cemetry behind the house.The shed where Cobb & CO changed horses had never been updated. Colletts Inn is different now as it has been repaired and updated, but has lost some of the charm it had when i saw it first. ST

  2. What was the boy's name. My husbands great great grandfather built colletts inn. Wayne Skeen

    1. Hey Wayne, we might be related... my great great great grandfather built Collett's Inn.

    2. Hey Wayne, we might be related... my great great great grandfather built Collett's Inn.

  3. I'm also descended from Pierce Collits (correct spelling) through his daughter Amelia and John Skeen (convict overseer of the Victoria Pass). The building in the photo is not Collit's Inn! It may be a small house on the property that later became the Mount York Farm, but the Inn itself was/is constructed of weatherboard - not brick and is much larger.

  4. Hi my name is Susan, I'm descend from Collits, by my Grand-mothers- fathers side. I have been researching family history. I have been to the in last year.

    Are you spelling this? Colletts or Collits?


  5. Hi I'm a descended from Pierce Collits' on my Grand-mother-farther-side of his family. They are well known. I have been searching family history for a couple of years now. I have been to Collits'-in over last year.

  6. Pierce Collitts was my 6th Great Grandfather!
