Photo: RDHS collection
Elizabeth Dunn was descendant of the Convict James Bloodworth, First Fleeter, Brickmaker and builder of First Government House Sydney. She was also a descendant of George Howe, first Printer in Sydney.
Mrs Bossley had a shop in Louee Street. She and Lloyd sold groceries, sweets and ice cream. Lloyd bought skins, sheep mostly.
I worked for Mrs Bossley in her shop for a while when I attended High School.
Ref: Shirley Tunnicliff
Elizabeth Dunn was decendant of the Convict James Bloodworth, First Fleeter,Brickmaker and builder of First Government House Sydney. She was also a decendant of George Howe first Printer in Sydney. Mrs Bossley had a shop in Louee Street, She and LLoyd sold groceries, sweets and icecream. Lloyd bought skins. sheep mostly.I worked for Mrs Bossley in her shop for a while when I attended High School. ST