Kelgoola Half Time School

Photo: Kelgoola A Real Bush School by Arthur Mason - Original photo in Kandos Bicentennial Industrial Museum.

A subsidised school called 'Kelgoola' existed near the entrance to Morrison's property. 'The Park'. The building was composed mostly of stringy bark and began in 1911. Miss Flora Morrison, sister of the late Frank Morrison, was the first teacher. 
Ref: History of St James' Rylstone by Reverend Kevin Joyner..

The name Kelgoola first appears on Major Mitchell’s famous map, which he completed in 1834. The assistant surveyor who first mapped the mountains and valleys of the Cudgegong area, Peter Grant Ogilvie, came through the area in mid-1829 and it was then that he learned from local aborigines that the name of the conical mountain west of Coricudgy and north of the Cudgegong was Kelgoola. 
Ref: KELGOOLA EXCURSION 2008 - Histroical Notes by Bob O'Neill

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